DRILLING RIG No.333=Our Pilot over in Ethiopia, Rush Folgore, flies once a week to the Drilling rig in the far North. It's owned by the Ethiopia Sheel Oil Company and he takes spare parts and returns men that were on vacation. He returns full of new guys coming out of that hell's hole for a week in Addis Ababa. Join him in this interesting and dangerous desert flight.
A good twin Turbo
Scenery. Addis Ababa Airport at (http://whitedotsim.de.tl/%5BFSX%5D-HAAB-Addis-Ababa.htm)
Puerto Obaldia is a town in Kuna Yala province of Eastern Panama. A ramshackle collection of decrepit houses, mostly with damaged or missing roofs though painted in some nice color, A white beach, an internet cafe, a supermarket, a bread store two hostels, two bars and two restaurants. This is a place where many surfers meet and weekend brawls around the bars abound.
Take your DH-6 here.
Scenery File: FLIGHT1